
最后更新:二月. 2, 2021

(1月. 28, 2021)



(Page 13 of the presentation slides) Net sales in the 电子产品 and 流动性 fields are expected to decline from the 3Q to the 4Q, 但是目前的趋势有什么变化吗, 比如在订单中?

第三季度, we saw advance orders generated in the 电子产品 field from customers who were concerned about the further spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, 因此,十大赌博娱乐平台预计第四季度会出现一定程度的反弹. 关于流动性领域, although we are anticipating something of an impact from a temporary reduction in automobile production brought about by a shortage of semiconductors and other factors in the 4Q, 到目前为止还没有动静, 比如订单减少, 都被看到了.

  • *HPP公司:高性能塑料公司
(幻灯片第13页)关于电子领域, 哪些产品在第三季度表现更好, 液晶领域的产品或非液晶领域的产品? 也, 你已经解释过你预计第四季度会有临时的库存调整, 但主要是哪些产品可能会经历这些库存调整?

由于对第三季度COVID-19大流行进一步蔓延造成的供应担忧, we saw a certain amount of advance demand generated and resultant firm sales of products for the Liquid Crystal field and robust sales of products for the Non-LCD field. 与此同时, 在第四季度,十大赌博娱乐平台预计这两个产品领域都会有临时的库存调整.

(幻灯片第13页)第三季度非lcd领域的产品销售强劲, 但具体来说,哪些产品的销量在增长?

作为他们的表演, 例如,在耐热性和易剥离能力方面, 评价很高, 十大赌博娱乐平台的半导体制程材料的销售正在增长. 5G基站散热材料销售, 哪一种材料的长处在于其高热释放性能和成型的灵活性, 也在增加吗.

(Page 13 of the presentation slides) What are the factors behind the strong sales of interlayer film products for head-up displays (HUDs) in the 流动性 field? 是因为需求增长超出预期吗? 还是因为SEKISUI化学成功地扩大了市场份额?

采用hud的车辆数量正在加速增加. 十大赌博娱乐平台也相信十大赌博娱乐平台正在扩大十大赌博娱乐平台的市场份额.

(Page 13 of the presentation slides) What are the factors behind the strong sales of interlayer film products for HUDs? 尽管全球汽车产量从第三季度开始大幅回升, is it not also the case that SEKISUI 化学 production of its interlayer films cannot keep pace with demand, 生产和运输成本正在上升?

关于hud的层间膜产品, 到目前为止,这些技术主要应用在豪华车上, 但随着人们意识到它们可以提高驾驶时的安全性,并提供其他好处, 它们的应用范围正在扩大,包括中档汽车. We also maintained our production and transportation systems even during the COVID-19 pandemic in the first half of the year and have been responding without any problems even in the situation caused by the rapid recovery in demand from the 3Q onward.

转向电动汽车的进程正在加快, 因此,HUD产品采用夹层膜的情况将会增加, 尤其是那些生产电动汽车的公司?

For EVs we have an insulating interlayer film that will assist in reducing the amount of power consumed by items of equipment, 比如空调. We would like to expand sales of products that possess combined functions with the interlayer films for HUD products.

在欧洲, HUD产品的夹层膜的需求领域是什么, 每个汽车制造商都有计划大幅度增加产量, 但SEKISUI化学的供应系统是否有能力确保足够的供应?

一条能够为HUD产品生产层间膜的新生产线已经开始运营, 十大赌博娱乐平台相信, 暂时地, 保证了充足的供应体系.


(演示幻灯片第15页)关于第四季度新住房订单计划, you have factored in that the market will not be as depressed as when the state of emergency declaration was in effect before (April to May), 但是这个计划有可能实现吗? 也, COVID-19大流行是否很难被征服,其影响是否会长期存在, 是否有可能通过数字营销弥补任何不足, 比如在网上吸引顾客?

之前的紧急状态生效时, 全国各地的展览场所关闭, 但这次是在实施了彻底的感染预防措施后开放的. By utilizing digital marketing mechanisms—such as attracting visitors online and online business negotiations as well as experience-based showrooms—while establishing a business negotiation style that does not reduce points of contact with customers even in a coronavirus pandemic, we also believe that it is possible to achieve the 4Q plan and increase orders from the next fiscal year onward.

(Page 15 of the presentation slides) You are actively increasing land inventories for sales of ready-built houses, 但是在销售方面没有风险吗? 另外,你打算如何尝试为细分房屋和现成房屋建立品牌?

The land for sale is carefully selected and the length of the turnover period from purchase to sale strictly controlled. 十大赌博娱乐平台在智能住宅方面有优势, 哪些配备了太阳能发电系统和蓄电池, 打造十大赌博娱乐平台的品牌, but we are also mainly 销售 products that possess the same fundamental functions for both subdivision houses and ready-built houses. We will also roll out the Town and Community Development brand nationwide utilizing products from other SEKISUI 化学 divisional companies.

(Page 14 of the presentation slides) It was explained that the Town and Community Development Business project will contribute ¥700 million of marginal profit in the second half, 但你能指望从下一个财政年度开始,有更多的利润贡献吗?

We have already completed the preparation of multiple projects scheduled to commence sales during this Medium-term Management Plan, 十大赌博娱乐平台相信,从下一个财政年度开始,新项目将陆续启动, 创造一种有助于稳定利润的模式.

(Pages 15 and 29 of the presentation slides) Even if the order plan for the second half can be achieved, 学期结束时收到的订单余额将与上一年相比为负, 那么下一财年房屋公司的经营业绩会发生什么变化?

如果下半年的订单计划达成, 在这一时期结束时,订单积压的下降趋势将被停止. 除了, 现成房屋的库存, 哪些是在收到订单后立即记入销售额的, 显著增加.


(Page 19 of the presentation slides) It was explained that sales of your COVID-19 diagnostic kits are strong, 但下半年的销售可能会达到什么程度呢? 另外,下一个财政年度的销售是否会进一步扩大?

Most of the second-half increase in sales of the diagnostics (overseas) business is from COVID-19 diagnostic kits. 在海外门诊人数减少,其他诊断试剂销售没有增长的情况下, COVID-19诊断试剂盒正在填补空缺.


(幻灯片第9页和第16页)PVC产品的价格正在上涨, 但大概什么时候会影响到公司的经营业绩? 也, 你们能把产品价格的上涨转嫁出去吗, 尤其是在城市基础设施方面 & 公司产品?

全面的影响可能会从下一个财政年度开始感受到. 关于产品价格, we will proceed with negotiations with customers in the coming months so that they can understand the situation of rising raw material prices with regard to our products.

(Page 11 of the presentation slides) The full-year ordinary income plan has been revised downward by ¥6 billion, and it was explained that the main factors for this were foreign exchange loss and the newly incurred expenditures for structural reforms. What was the specific amount for each of those factors and what specifically did the structural reforms entail?

用于营业外费用, these are expected to be foreign exchange loss and the structural reform expenditures incurred amounting to several billion yen. 十大赌博娱乐平台将不提供结构性改革的细节, 但十大赌博娱乐平台正在努力优化生产体系,以更好地满足全球需求.

(Page 22 of the presentation slides) You have recorded SEKISUI AEROSPACE CORPORATION’s impairment of intangible assets in these financial results, 但在减值处理后,无形资产的价值是多少? 还有,是否有额外的损伤风险?

减值后,还有1.15亿美元的无形资产. 波音公司的飞机生产率, SEKISUI AEROSPACE CORPORATION的主要客户, 自收购时起下降了多少. Since it is expected that the profit that should have been obtained in proportion to the number of aircraft produced will decrease, 对客户相关资产进行减值. 目前, we are proceeding with cutbacks of the production structure and deployment to applications other than aircraft, 比如医疗领域和无人机, 提前完成计划, 十大赌博娱乐平台认为目前除了无形资产外,不存在减值风险.

(演示幻灯片第22页)在第一季度到第三季度的累计总额中, 销售, 一般和行政费用减少了120亿日元. 这些, how much will it cost to return to normal levels in the event that the COVID-19 pandemic is resolved and business activities are normalized?

十大赌博娱乐平台的印象是, 在这120亿日元中, 约有一半是由于新冠肺炎大流行带来的商业活动不足造成的, 其中大约一半是由于商业结构改革. We believe that implementing the structural business reforms 提前完成计划 will strengthen our profitability from the next fiscal year onward.